Pre-conscription training system of youth in the Republic of Belarus




pre-conscription training, military patriotic forms, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus


The article deals with the historical retrospective of the pre-conscription training system formation of the young in the Republic of Belarus and the existing legislation of this issue. The author defines the main tasks, forms and methods of pre-conscription training. The patriotic forms potential as a primary training level of the staff for Armed forces and reserve enlisting is researched here.

Since the independence of the Republic of Belarus there are several the most significant achievements of military construction in the Republic of Belarus such as: the Armed Forces organizational structure reform; creation of the strategic deterrence; formation of special operations bodies; creation of multistage national military education system directed to quality rise of officers staff training; improvement of the troops recruitment system. The Law of the Republic of Belarus "About the military duty and the military service", adopted in 2003, established the obligatory pre-conscription training for pupils.

The author found that the military patriotic forms were formed in 1997 on the basis of secondary schools with the purpose of young people preparing to enter the military educational establishments of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. It is a component of pre-conscription training for youth. The pre-conscription training of youth is regulated according to the corresponding legislation, which is constantly updated according to the demands of the times.

Author Biography

Olha Gapeeva, Науковий центр Сухопутних військ Академії сухопутних військ, м. Львів

Кандидат історичних наук, старший науковий співробітник науково-дослідного відділу (підготовки військ) 


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How to Cite

Gapeeva, O. (2013). Pre-conscription training system of youth in the Republic of Belarus. Skhid, (2(122), 87–90.


