The concept of peace and war in the East of Ukraine




the theory of war, the theory of peace, information society, informational toolkit, information warfare, hybrid war, war of meanings


The article is devoted to the philosophical comprehension of the theory of war and peace. The hybrid forms of informational influence are illuminated to incite hostility among peoples, by substituting the meanings of the formation of the reality necessary for the aggressor, taking control of the narrative to the proper social environment Eastern Ukraine, and establishing deformed ideological landmarks. The concept of "peace" in the methodological paradigm of conflictology, the theory of (non)violence, the theory of war, and other theories are considered.

Establishing peace cannot take place without understanding the foundations of a "hybrid" war. The information-psychological technologies of the information warfare have an exogenous influence on the psyche and consciousness of people in the temporarily occupied areas of the state are used by the aggressor, in order to introduce and rooted in the memory of the necessary ideologues, myths and installations, the formation of stereotypes of behavior and decision making, sewage of sentiment, feelings, will. In promoting the peace in Eastern Ukraine must proceed from a positive approach to comprehending the events of the war.

An information tool for establishing peace in the Eastern Ukraine is proposed. The need to ensure Ukraine's dominance in the information sphere of the region is achieved through the influence of the "soft power" principle. "Soft power" should cultivate a sense of sympathy, an attraction of ideals and a positive example, which enables to achieve the desired result by forming the desires, expectations and preferences in the object of influence. "Soft power" should be aimed not at changing perceptions, but in changing behavior.

The asymmetric proactive information position of the state will ensure the domination of Ukrainian information and psychological influences, technologies of political and socio-cultural character. The organization of strategic communication is fundamentally different from the propaganda methods of the information influence of the aggressor.

Author Biography

Hryhorii Kovalskyi, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia

candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

Kovalskyi, H. (2018). The concept of peace and war in the East of Ukraine. Skhid, (2(154), 107–110.


