Modern tendencies of middle class formation in Ukraine
middle class, profit, consumption, total expensesAbstract
One of the priority directions of Ukraine social development is creation of pre-conditions for formation and stabilization of wide layer of middle class.
Today the obviously represented middle class in Ukraine is absence; the process of its formation is under way. In 2001 the middle class was 12,3% of population, in 2002 - 11%, in 2008 - 10%, in 2012 only about 9%, although by some estimations, in this period the amount of middle class was not more than 5%.
Now Ukrainians are spending greater part of the profits on food (over 51%), pay for housing and public utilities. As a result, there is not enough money for development, cultural leisure. The profits rate and consumption structure of Ukrainians do not create necessary conditions for formation of social-culture characteristics, which are peculiar to the middle class, and for provision of progressive development of the Ukrainian society.
Representatives of middle layer in Ukraine, as well as abroad, are peoples, who, as a rule, have the higher education. By most other criteria (profits rate, standards of consumption and lifestyle), this layer of the Ukrainian society does not differ a lot from a lower class. For most, who belong to the Ukrainian middle class, the next characteristics are typical: sufficiency of profits only on food and payment for housing; insufficiency of profits to meet the needs in medical service, purchase of clothes, consumer durables, education and rest.
In every country a middle class is the guarantor of economy stability and high standard of citizens life, driving force of society, that's why in Ukraine it is necessary to create all conditions for formation of strong middle class at the level of the national program. Priority directions of this program must be support and help to small- and middle-sized business, its innovative forms; improving of regulator policy; increasing of population's profits rate; providing conditions for formation of high quality human capital in the education system, etc.
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