Reflective approach to attracting investment for projects of development of industrial enterprises




reflexive approach, investment, development projects, industrial enterprise


The definition of investment attractiveness of enterprises in domestic science is traditionally studied in terms of factors of an economic nature. Researches that present scientific approaches that reveal non-economic factors of attraction of investments are practically absent in Ukraine. In this article the possibilities of attracting investment for projects of development of industrial enterprises on the basis of a reflexive approach are explored.

To do this, a preliminary review of scientific works, representing the traditional model of attracting investment to an industrial enterprise, is called an assessment of the effectiveness of projects and assessment of their investment attractiveness. The stages of such assessment are revealed depending on the source of the advanced funds, the economic factors of the external and internal investment attractiveness of the industrial enterprises, which are contained in the works of domestic researchers, are analyzed. On the basis of the analysis it is proposed to supplement the classification of external factors with two other factors of an economic nature.

The possibilities of a reflexive approach in attracting investment for industrial enterprises development are shown. The corresponding algorithm of investment attraction has been substantiated and developed, which includes blocks of preparation, consideration and practical realization of financing of selected projects in the choice of strategic behavior of all participants of investment and distribution of risks between them. An example of the effect of reflexive strategies on solving conditional investors about investing, which identifies wins and losses from certain investment decisions, is considered.

Author Biographies

Olga Rusinova, European University, Kyiv

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing

Tetiana Zhovkovska, Ternopil National Economic University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory


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How to Cite

Rusinova, O., & Zhovkovska, T. (2018). Reflective approach to attracting investment for projects of development of industrial enterprises. Skhid, (2(154), 48–55.


