Progress of machine-building industry of Ukraine trends are in the aspects of public policy




machine building, development, enterprise, direction, branch, structure, key factors


The development of the machine-building industry is in a state of economic decline. There is a rapid decline in production volumes of machine building. The article outlines the location of certain branches of machine building in Ukraine, depending on a number of factors. The division of transport machine building into certain segments is carried out. Is formed the table with representation of the main centers of machine building in Ukraine. The author presents the main obstacles for the effective development of machine building in Ukraine. Formed a strategy of state policy. It should be aimed at: modernization of production; economic globalization of production; restructuring of mechanical engineering enterprises; development of high-tech specialized productions; diversification of machine-building enterprises; development of innovative technologies; introduction of new mechanisms for coordinating the activities of the mechanical engineering sector; attraction of investments in this branch. It is noted that taking into account the potential of available raw materials, materials and geographic location of the machine-building industry, the focus should be on car manufacturing in the first place. Taking into account the considerable intellectual potential of the state and the presence of highly skilled specialists, efforts to reorient railroad engineering for the production of high-speed trains, powerful electric locomotives and diesel locomotives. It is necessary to establish cooperation in the shipbuilding sector with foreign states. This will enable you to produce not only parts or hulls for ships, but also equip them with technologically advanced equipment.

Further development of the machine-building industry depends on a well-structured state policy which should be aimed at developing the economic potential of all sectors of mechanical engineering. The effectiveness of the development of this industry should be aimed at increasing the degree of localization of production and modernization of enterprises in general. It is necessary to restore demand and trust in products primarily to domestic buyers.

Author Biography

Oxana Mazurenok, Ternopil National technical University named of Ivan Puluj

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting and Auditing


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How to Cite

Mazurenok, O. (2018). Progress of machine-building industry of Ukraine trends are in the aspects of public policy. Skhid, (2(154), 19–24.


