Basics of systemic restructuring of enterprises in the field of public transportation




public transportation, restructuring, structural links, operation optimization, algorithmization of the process


The article describes the original, developed by author systemic basics of public transport enterprises restructuring for optimizing their internal and external connections, that ultimately will lead to better performance of their main task: providing citizens with all range of relevant transport services. The article covers both: theoretical reasoning and recommendations from scientific and economic point of view to ensure the proper operation of the industry enterprises.

The object of the research is a functioning of transport enterprises, the subject - their restructuring. The purpose of the publication is to define the procedure of restructuring of the public electric transport enterprises, and the scientific problem - the development of theoretical basics for optimizing the operation of these enterprises due to their restructuring.

Based on the aggregated indicators (technical and economic) work of urban electric transport enterprises, among which are selected: the volume of transport work, the state of the rolling stock and the analysis of financial activity of enterprises, provides a systematic analysis of urban electric transport of the country.

Scientific novelty of the material contained in the article is that the theory and practice of passenger service had been further developed due to a systematic analysis of the state of urban electric transport of the country.

In the article it is proved that any system "Public Electric Transport enterprise" can be restructured with the maximum optimization considering its features by given typical algorithm and as a result, will improve an economic component of functioning.

Author Biography

Yevgeniy Vodovozov, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



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How to Cite

Vodovozov, Y. (2018). Basics of systemic restructuring of enterprises in the field of public transportation. Skhid, (6(152), 5–9.


