Mechanism of implementation of regional investment programs as financial instrument of stimulation of regional development




financial instruments, regional development, regional investment programs, investment potential of the region, concept of improvement of the mechanism


In the article questions of implementation of regional investment programs which are capable to influence social and economic development of regions and also to promote achievement of strategic priorities of investment development of the state by attraction of financial resources are considered. Special attention is paid to development of the concept of improvement of the mechanism of implementation of regional investment programs as financial instrument for stimulation of regional development.

The main components of the concept of improvement of the mechanism of implementation of regional investment programs are defined, namely: principles, purposes, interests, tasks, factors, threats, subjects and objects of management, providing, stages, methods and criteria for evaluation of efficiency of implementation of regional investment programs.

Within the offered concept of improvement of the mechanism of implementation of regional investment programs it is allocated the following stages:

1. Development of methodical bases of implementation of regional investment programs.

2. Analysis of conditions and factors of implementation of regional investment programs.

3. Assessment of a condition of implementation of regional investment programs.

4. Assessment of efficiency of implementation of regional investment programs.

The conclusion is drawn that the offered concept of improvement of the mechanism of implementation of regional investment programs allows to influence in a complex internal and external threats to the interests of regional investment programs, avoiding and minimizing negative impact in the conditions of the dynamic external environment.

Author Biographies

Mykhaylo Kuzheliev, Educational and Scientific Institute of Finance and Banking, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor, Director

Alina Nechyporenko, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

Assistant of Department of Finance


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How to Cite

Kuzheliev, M., & Nechyporenko, A. (2018). Mechanism of implementation of regional investment programs as financial instrument of stimulation of regional development. Skhid, (6(152), 22–27.


