Arab world and dialectics of democratization process


  • Andrey Buzarov Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ukraine



Arabic society, Arabic world, Islam, democratization, globalization, social conflicts


The Article is devoted to analysis of difficult sand contradictory process of democratization of Arabic society that takes place already many years. Modern globalization processes touched the Arabic world, where is a collision of civilization paradigms. The aim of the article is discovering of some phenomena being the basis of modern conflicts in the Arabic world.

Basic factors that bother democracy in the Arabic countries are setup in the article. It is marked at the same time, that many social conflicts and elements of social and political in stability, that touched many Arabic countries, partly are the result of western influence and imposing of institutes whish are not peculiar to Arabic sociocultural tradition.

Necessary condition for socially-philosophical analysis in relation to the prospects of democratization of Arabic society are different scientific spheres with in the framework of study of culture, linguistics, religious studies, political science, sociology. If to analyze the level of research of this theme in national social philosophy, then we can see that most researchers of process of democratization accented the attention on influence and value of Islam as religions in Arabic-Muslim society.

The European and American interpretation models of understanding of Arabic civilization of society are situated a spectrum between two poles. From one side it is a know ledged in the west, that Arabic society has cultural features and that it is why need to get used and integrate Arab sin a global community, but with other hand, there is a strong denial of this specific feature. The whole study of history of the Arabic states and Arabic society specifies that one and other conceptions are deeply erroneous and notable to generate the correct model of development of the Arabic world.

Influence of social conflicts on process of democratization is studied not enough in modern social science. Social conflicts, especially the armed, still acquire new and new forms of expression in objective reality and public consciousness. In this connection the study of conflicts in the Middle East must be made with the provision of taking into account all factors of structure of conflicts. Correct understanding of content and forms of religious, economic, political, legal, social, ethnic and cultural constituent of certain conflict give the most complete imagination about its essence and ongoing prospects.

Author Biography

Andrey Buzarov, Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Master of Foreign Policy, Member of the Public Council


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How to Cite

Buzarov, A. (2017). Arab world and dialectics of democratization process. Skhid, (2(148), 91–95.


