Narrative as a component of discursive reality
narrative, discourse, reality, interpretation, sense, social experienceAbstract
The article is devoted to examination of narrative as a component of discursive reality, which forms specific forms of perception of social experience. The article is also based on the using the discourse analysis techniques, and the content of the narrative as a component of discursive reality is considered. The essence of the narrative as a multidimensional phenomenon which can develop the meaning is discovered. There is the description of this phenomenon as a tool for constructing the identity. The scientific legitimacy of introducing new cognitive strategies into the modern methodology that contribute to the construction of a new social reality is substantiated.
The author considers that narrative determines the process of social construction and semantic basis of being. Its reality opens the great possibilities for analysis, it gives the complex material for clarifying how narrative turns out, forming a discursive reality and presenting the spheres of social life. For social philosophy, the narration is a practice, where the experience constitutes not only social action, but also the person. According to research narrative is presented not only as a way of self-identification, but organizing form of individual experience.
It is proved that narrative as a main and fundamental component of discursive reality gives certain sense to the human actions and practices of identification.
Thus, the analysis of the narrative as an integral part of discursive reality has shown that this phenomenon with all its features transforms and constitutes reality. It should be added that social reality is the result of the interpretation of subjects, which takes place within the semantic horizon of culture.References
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