Stanislav Frize, a researcher of Lviv Politekhnika, in records of the People's State Security Commissariat for January-August 1945




Lviv Polytechnic, repressed scientists, Stanislav S. Frize


The paper reviews for the first time criminal (investigation) case No.1339 inrespect of Stanislav S. Frize, Professor, Doctor of Engineering and the Head of the General Electrical Engineering Department of the Lviv Polytechnic (currently the National University 'Lviv Politekhnika'). From January to August 1945 the researcher was kept in special camp No. 0310 of the People's State Security Commissariat in the town of Krasnodon of the Voroshilovgrad Region. He was put there without any trial and relevant proofs of his guilt towards Soviet law. Frise was accused of teaching electrical engineering and physics at courses for electricians in 1942-1944 under constraint of the German occupation authorities. People's State Security Commissariat bodies regarded the fact as cooperation with the Germans and betrayal of the Motherland, which fell under definitions of Article 54-1a of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. They disregarded complete political apathy of the Professor, his straightforwardness and outspokenness in expressing his views of the events. Having refused to sign an appeal to Stalin, Frize laid himself open to suspicions of anti-Soviet agitation. His lack of knowledge of the Ukrainian and Russian languages and teaching in Polish was considered as sabotage of Soviet power efforts aimed at restoration of education at higher schools. Only testimonies of the Department staff in July 1945 and vigorous activity of his wife Anna Y. Krypiakevych convinced the Soviet punitive system of Stanislav Frize's innocence. 

Author Biography

Bogdan Levyk, National University 'Lviv Politekhnika'

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the History, Museology and Cultural Heritage Department


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Butsko, M. I. (1994), Frieze Stanislav Stanislavovich, In: Known scientists of the State University «Lviv Polytechnic» (1844-1994), Lviv Polytechnic Press, Lviv, 132-136 pp. (ukr).

Tokarsky, Y. [str., ed.] (2004), Frieze Stanislav, In: Professors, associate professors and assistants of teaching and research institutions in Dublyany (1856-1947),LvivStateAgrarianUniversity; Lviv, 102 р. (ukr).

Kolakowski, T. E. [ed.], etc. (2010), Profesor dr. inz. Stanislaw Fryze (1895-1964). Pionier elektrotechniki. Nauczyciel i wychowawca wielu pokolen polskiej mlodziezy akademickiej, COSiW SEP : ENERGIA, Katowice, 199 s. (pol)

Kurendash, Rostyslav (1997). Virtuoso of lecturer’s work, Lviv Polytechnic: Education. and a student Weekly. February, 28 N 8, 5 p. (ukr).

Gazeta Lwowska [newspaper] (1937), Staraniem Kola Pan Politechniki Lw. wyglosi dr. inz. Stanislaw Fryze prof. Politechniki Lwowskiej wyklad popularny. Lwow 13 marz. (№ 58). S. 2 (pol).

Free Ukraine [newspaper] (1944), Assistance to scientists of the rebuilders of the city. No. 73 (608) October 7, Saturday, P.1. (ukr).

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Sectoral State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine. Investigator Case No. 1339. Archive case P-2197.



How to Cite

Levyk, B. (2017). Stanislav Frize, a researcher of Lviv Politekhnika, in records of the People’s State Security Commissariat for January-August 1945. Skhid, (5(151).


