Historical experience of CSTO member states to organize and conduct joint operations in the information area





information security, information security threat information, information exchange, cyberinciden, cyberwar, CSTO


Information security is a component of the state national security. In this regard, the urgent issue today is to ensure the security of state information resources, protection of vital interests of society in the information sphere.

The aim of the study is to analyze the main measures CSTO member states to organize and conduct joint operations in the informational area.

The activities of the CSTO is to conduct joint operations in cyberspace, aimed at identifying and blocking the sources of destructive and manipulative information.

For seven years this cooperation suspended the activities of a significant amount of resources. The authorities state that took part in them, have considerable experience of joint coordinated action in this area.

As a result of the conducted research were selected three basic directions of joint activity of states-members of CSTO in informative space: counteraction terrorism, extremism, narcotrade; improvement of mechanism of defence of population from negative informatively psychological influence and creation of Centers of reacting on ciberincident.

As an example of such activity is a general operation "PROXIES-SOUTH-2010", conducted during interethnic contradictions on the south of Kyrgyzstan in summer in 2010 . It follows to mark the fact of bringing in of powerful scientific and analytical institutes of states-members of CSTO to work in the area of providing of informative safety and conduct informatively propagandist to activity.

Author Biography

Olga Gapeyeva, Lviv National military Academy named after hetman Sagaydachny

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher Doctorate student


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Conclusion of the National Commission for the Investigation of the June 2010 Events in Southern Kyrgyzstan on January 19-20, 2011, available at: http://www.islamsng.com/kgz/report/991.

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How to Cite

Gapeyeva, O. (2017). Historical experience of CSTO member states to organize and conduct joint operations in the information area. Skhid, (4(150), 48–52. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2017.4(150).109396


