
The publisher of the journal - Ukrainian Centerfor Cultural Studies - became a member of professional organization CrossRef.


CrossRef is Publishers International Linking Association created with the aim to develop and support worldwide high-technology infrastructure for scientific communications. The main task of CrossRef is to promote wide usage of innovate technologies with a view to accelerate and facilitate scientific researches. Special attention of CrossRef is drawn to the development of electronic infrastructure of scientific publication cross-publisher citing. CrossRef Association supports global service of citing that works as a bridge between electronic publishing platforms. This service does not keep full texts of research publications, but it keeps the information about connections between publications with Digital Object Identifier technology (CrossRef DOI), and metadata of published scientific materials. With the help of this system, researchers can use features of global level of scientific-publishing sphere.

The members of CrossRef now are 5 hundred publishers all over the world. CrossRef database encloses more than 75 millions of journal articles and other types of publications (monographs, data arrays, dissertations, technical reports).

From the first number in 2016 all articles of the authors of our journal will receive DOI Index - unique digital object identifier.

Now referring to the article author have to mention DOI index in References and citations by State Standards of Ukraine. For example:

1. Cherednichenko, O. (2016). Food consumption in English towns and cities, 14th-15th centuries. Skhid, № 2 (142), 65-70 (ukr). doi: 10.21847/1728-9343.2016.2(142).67698

2. Watts, S. (2012). Food and the AnnalesSchool. The OxfordHandbook of Food History / [Jeffrey M. Pilcher (Ed.)]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-18. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199729937.013.0001


1. Чередниченко, О. Раціон харчування англійських міщан XIV-XV ст. / О. Чередниченко // Схід. - 2016. - № 2 (142). - С. 65-70. doi: 10.21847/1728-9343.2016.2(142).67698

2. Watts, S. Food and the AnnalesSchool. The OxfordHandbook of Food History / S. Watts [Jeffrey M. Pilcher (Ed.)]. - Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, рр. 3-18. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199729937.013.0001 


While giving references, authors have to give correct bibliographic description and mention DOI Index for each source.

You can check the existence of the Index for the source on the site:

In search line «Metadata Search» You should enter the surname of the author and the name of the source (an article, a monograph, conference abstracts). If the result is positive - You find the source in CrossRef base - You mention the ID number. Author of the source will have the citation index increased. The “Skhid” Journal author will have the citation index increased too because of access to the article for 75 millions of users.

Considering mentioned information, we invite authors fromUkraineto give articles in English.


Editorial of “Skhid” journal