Skhid: Announcements <p><strong>“Skhid”</strong> is a journal of analysis and new ideas. <span class="xfm_15869257">From 1995 to 2014 the Journal was published in Donetsk (Ukraine). From the late 2014 to June 2018 it has been published in Mariupol of Donetsk Region (Ukraine). From June 2018 the Journal is published in Kyiv, from 2023 it will be published as an <strong>electronic specialist publication.</strong></span></p> <p><strong>Profile: </strong>“Skhid” highlights the results of research in history and philosophy</p> <p><strong>Language of edition:</strong> English (since 2019).</p> <p><strong>Periodicity: </strong>4 issues a year (since 2022).</p> <p><strong>Topical issues of the Journal in 2023:</strong></p> <p><strong>"Problems of communicative reality as a discursive social space"</strong></p> <p><strong>"Regional discourse on the history of Ukraine"</strong></p> <p><strong>"Digital Transformations in Culture"</strong></p> <p><strong>"History of National Liberation Movements: European Context"</strong></p> <p>During the year, additional releases are possible, which will be announced separately.</p> <p><strong>ISSN</strong> 2411-3093 (Online)</p> <p>Chief Editors:</p> <p><strong>Volodymyr Biletsky, Doctor of Technology, Professor, Full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (<a href=";user=4aX6d9IAAAAJ"><strong>user profile in the system Google Scholar</strong></a>).</strong></p> <p><strong> Olena Aleksandrova, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (<a href=";hl=en"><strong>user profile in the system Google Scholar</strong></a>). </strong></p> <p><strong>Editor: Halyna Tymofieievа</strong></p> <p><strong>“Skhid”</strong> is an open access journal. All articles are free for users to access, read, download, and print.</p> <p>Since 1999 the journal has been listed as an academic edition that can publish research papers to qualify for a Doctoral or Candidate degree in history and philosophy (<a href=""><span lang="UK">Byorder No. 1412 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, dd 18.12.2018, Annex 10 “SKHID” Journal has been included to the “B” CATEGORY of the List of Scientific professional editions of Ukraine in the specialty 032, 031, 033</span></a>).</p> <p>On December 23, 2022, in accordance with <a href="">the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1166</a>, the journal "Skhid" was transferred to the list of electronic professional publications of category "B" in specialties 031 - "Religious Studies"; 032 - "History and archeology"; 033 – "Philosophy" (<strong>p. 7 of the mentioned orde</strong>r)</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Founders</span>: </strong></p> <p>Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies (Mariupol);</p> <p>Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv).</p> <p> <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Our partners</span>:</strong></p> <p><a href="">Center for Humanitarian Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine</a>;</p> <p><a href="">Academy оf Economic Science of Ukraine</a>;</p> <p>Donetsk Branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society.</p> <p> <strong><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>Editorial address: </strong>13B, office 416, Levka Lukyanenko str., Kyiv, 04212, Ukraine</p> <p>tel: +380504733118.</p> <p>e-mail: <strong></strong></p> <p>For an electronic copy of this journal click the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (<a href=";I21DBN=JRN&amp;P21DBN=JRN&amp;S21STN=1&amp;S21REF=10&amp;S21FMT=fullwj&amp;C21COM=S&amp;S21CNR=20&amp;S21P01=0&amp;S21P02=0&amp;S21P03=I=&amp;S21COLORTERMS=0&amp;S21STR=%D0%9668895">Link</a>)</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> en-US Submit your research for publication in our second issue of 2025! <p><strong>Volume 7, Issue 2: Historical Reflections on Society in War and Aftermath</strong></p> <p><strong>Key Issues:</strong></p> <p>• Historical Justice: Which narratives influence identity and relationships between communities;<br>• The impact of war on collective memory;<br>• Social conflicts amidst war;<br>• International experience in overcoming the consequences of wars (military actions) and conflicts;<br>• The role of historical figures and symbols in constructing social identity;<br>• The role of individual and regional history in shaping the general historical narrative;<br>• Historiographical principles of describing a military conflict and creating post-conflict historical narratives.</p> Skhid 2025-03-07 Submit your research for publication in our first issue of 2025! <p data-sourcepos="5:1-6:15"><strong>Volume 7, Issue 1: Religion and Global Challenges of the Modern Era </strong></p> <p data-sourcepos="5:1-6:15"><strong>Key Issues:</strong></p> <ul data-sourcepos="7:1-14:0"> <li class="show" data-sourcepos="7:1-7:86">State-confessional relations in the context of contemporary globalization challenges</li> <li class="show" data-sourcepos="8:1-8:62">Ukrainian and European religious spaces: unity and diversity</li> <li class="show" data-sourcepos="9:1-9:102">Moral and ethical foundations of religion development in the context of contemporary transformations</li> <li class="show" data-sourcepos="10:1-10:57">Socio-legal aspects of contemporary religious relations</li> <li class="show" data-sourcepos="11:1-11:76">The therapeutic role of religion in the context of contemporary challenges</li> <li class="show" data-sourcepos="12:1-12:55">Religion and the challenges of the modern digital age</li> <li class="show" data-sourcepos="13:1-14:0">Religious organizations in social media</li> </ul> Skhid 2025-01-25 We invite scientists to publish <p><strong>The main problematic issues of issue 4:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Correlation of linguistic, cultural and religious identities;</li> <li>Linguistic and literary orientations as a marker for characterizing the modern world;</li> <li>Interpretation of linguistic and cultural space through the prism of national identity;</li> <li>Linguistic and cultural means of creating the image of the enemy in modern political discourse;</li> <li>Sociocultural and spiritual dimensions of national memory;</li> <li>Personality in the politics of memory;</li> <li>Changes in toponymy as a means of implementing the memory policy;</li> <li>Commemorative practices in national politics of memory;</li> <li>The politics of memory as an object of scientific reflections</li> </ul> Skhid 2024-10-17 We invite scientists to publish! <p>The main problematic issues 3:</p> <p>- civilizational methodological approaches and modern challenges;<br>- theoretical and methodological models of cross-cultural development;<br>- migration as a factor in reformatting the modern social world;<br>- the philosophy of globalization: the problem of the center and the periphery;<br>- problems of intercultural relations and intercultural dialogue;<br>- civilized rules and norms of intercultural communication;<br>- mythological constructs and their influence in the field of humanitarian security;<br>- the problem of information security in countering civilizational challenges;<br>- hybrid wars as a threat to social and humanitarian security.</p> Skhid 2024-07-02 Telegram channel of "SKHID" journal <p>We invite you to join the <strong><em>Telegram channel of the electronic journal "Skhid".</em></strong></p> <p>Requirements for writing articles, announcements of new issues, navigation through each issue and material - everything that will be useful to authors and readers is collected on a convenient platform.</p> <p>Join our community, we are happy to cooperate with you!</p> <p><strong><em>Link: <a href=""></a></em></strong></p> Skhid 2024-04-24 We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 2 (Volume 7) "Religious-philosophical discourse of Humanitarian Security in the context of transformations of the Digital Age Skhid 2024-04-01 About the postponement of the release date of issue 1 of the jornal "Skhid" Skhid 2024-04-01 We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 1 (Volum 6) "Humanitarian factors in the architecture of the national security system" Skhid 2024-02-19 We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 3 (Volum 4) "Digital Transformations in Culture" Skhid 2023-11-02 We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 2 (Volum 4) "Problems of religious studies in the modern globalized world" <p>We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 2 (Volum 4) "Problems of religious studies in the modern globalized world"</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The main problematic issues:</p> <p>• Church and war: religious, political, social dimensions<br>• Dominant political ideologies of today and their theological interpretations<br>• Religion and mentality: global and domestic experience<br>• Religious studies paradigm of state formation<br>• State-confessional relations in Ukraine and the world<br>• Transformation of the European religious map: today&amp;#39;s challenges and the search<br>for inter-religious dialogue<br>• Religious and ethical problems of our time.</p> Skhid 2023-08-14 We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 1 (Volume 5) “Regional discourse on the history of Ukraine” Skhid 2023-04-14 We invite scientists to publish in the thematic issue 1 (Volume 4) “Problems of communicative reality as a discursive social space” <p>The main problematic issues:</p> <p>• conceptualization of the concepts of “communication”, “discourse” and methodological bases of the communicative reality research,<br>• communicative reality as an open space of social interactions,<br>• communication as a marker of social transformations,<br>• language as an important form of social interaction,<br>• communicative goals and social functions of discourse,<br>• philosophical strategies for building practical schemes of intercultural communication,<br>• justice as a result of rational communication.</p> Skhid 2023-01-15 Issue of the journal "Skhid" in 2023 <p>In 2023, the "Skhid" plans to release two volumes, including four thematic issues, which correspond to the main topic and focus of our journal.</p> <p><strong>Volume 4 Issue 1</strong> "<em>Problems of communicative reality as a discursive social space</em>" (manuscripts are accepted until March 1st, approximate date of publication – end of March 2023)</p> <p><strong>Volume 5 Issue 1</strong> "<em>Regional discourse on the history of Ukraine</em>" (manuscripts are accepted until June 1st, indicative publication date – end of June 2023)</p> <p><strong>Volume 4 Issue 2</strong> "<em>Digital Transformations in Culture</em>" (manuscripts are accepted until September 1st, approximate date of publication – end of September 2023)</p> <p><strong>Volume 5 Issue 2</strong> "<em>History of National Liberation Movements: European Context</em>" (manuscripts are accepted until December 1<sup>st</sup>, approximate date of publication – end of December 2023).</p> <p>During the year, additional releases are possible, which will be announced separately.</p> Skhid 2023-01-15 Changes in the form of publication of the journal <p>On December 23, 2022, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1166, the journal "Skhid" was transferred to the <strong>List of electronic professional publications of category "B"</strong> for specialties 031 - "Religious Studies"; 032 - "History and archeology"; 033 - "Philosophy"</p> Skhid 2022-12-28 We invite scholars to publish in the 2st thematic issue “Social Stability & Social Uncertainty: From History to Politics” <p>Thematic Issue 2 <strong>“Social Stability &amp; Social Uncertainty: From History to Policy”</strong> is scheduled for publishing on <strong>August 30, 2022.</strong><br><br><em>Editor-in-chief of the thematic issue</em>: <strong>Tetyana Yereskova</strong>, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman<br><br><strong>The main problem questions are:</strong><br>- Stability of social systems: social connections and relations.<br>- Stability, uncertainty, and crisis as states of functioning of social subjects.<br>- Tendencies of social development and inversion of social behavior of Ukrainians in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war<br>- Simulacra, virtuality, mass market and other social uncertainty tools<br>- Socioeconomic aspects of stability and uncertainty<br>- Cultural and historical questions of social dynamics</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Skhid 2022-07-19 Journal support from SUES program <p><strong>The journal “Skhid” has received one-time monetary support from the SUES crowdfunding platform</strong></p> <p>SUES (Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff) is an initiative of several European organizations in the field of scientific communication: IBL-PAN (PL), OPERAS (BE), DOAJ (Great Britain), OAPEN-DOAB (NL), EIFL (NL), AEUP (FR) and a group of 30 French editors and publishers. It is aimed at supporting Ukrainian publishers who are involved in the communication and dissemination of knowledge in the scientific publishing sector, which is an important component of Ukrainian scientific life and culture.</p> <p>We thank our European colleagues for their support!</p> <p>Thanks to the received funds, the editorial staff is able to work properly on the <strong>thematic issue 2 “Social Stability &amp; Social Uncertainty: From History to Politics”.</strong></p> <p>We invite scientists to submit articles to the thematic issue.</p> Skhid 2022-07-14 Dear authors and readers of the “Skhid” journal! <p style="font-weight: 400;">Dear authors and readers of the&nbsp;“Skhid”&nbsp;journal!</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The&nbsp;journal&nbsp;continues to work. We are preparing a new issue.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">All deadlines are canceled.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">We will exhibit articles in all announced thematic issues as they are received and prepared for publication.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">We publish articles in Ukrainian and English, because due to the war and the evacuation of part of the editorial board, we cannot yet provide a full-fledged proofreading of the texts in English.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Sincerely,</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Issue Editor</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Halyna Tymofieieva.</p> Skhid 2022-03-06 We invite scholars to publish in the 1st thematic issue “Complex Problems of Historical Memory in Philosophical and Historical Interpretations” <p><em><strong>The main problematic issues:</strong></em></p> <ul> <li class="show"><em>Conceptualization of the concept of “historical memory” and methodological basis of its research </em></li> <li class="show"><em>Historiography</em><em> of</em><em> the</em><em> “memory</em><em> studies</em><em>”&nbsp;</em></li> <li class="show"><em>Historical memory and historical consciousness </em></li> <li class="show"><em>Commemorative practices in modern Ukraine </em></li> <li class="show"><em>Historical memory and spiritual and moral values of society </em></li> <li class="show"><em>Commemoration in the context of civil consent </em></li> </ul> Skhid 2022-01-24 Issue of the journal "Skhid" in 2022 <p>From 2022, the “Skhid” journal changes its frequency of publication. Henceforward, there will be four thematic issues a year, which correspond to the main topic and focus of our journal.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Issue 1</strong> “<em>Complex Problems of Historical Memory in Philosophical and Historical Interpretations</em>” (manuscripts are accepted until March 1<sup>st</sup>, approximate date of publication – end of March 2022)</p> <p><strong>Issue 2</strong> “<em>Social Stability &amp; Social Uncertainty: From History to Politics</em>” (manuscripts are accepted until June 1<sup>st</sup>, indicative publication date – end of June 2022)</p> <p><strong>Issue 3</strong> “<em>Information Age, Network Society and New Forms of Identity</em>” (manuscripts are accepted until September 1<sup>st</sup>, approximate date of publication – end of September 2022)</p> <p><strong>Issue 4</strong> “Religious Factor in the Social Transformations of Today” (manuscripts are accepted until December 1<sup>st</sup>, approximate date of publication – end of December 2022)</p> Skhid 2022-01-24 From Issue 1, 2021, the journal organizes its publication model <p>From Issue 1, 2021, the journal organizes its publication model</p> <p>Volume 1 «Philosophical Sciences» Issue 1-2-3</p> <p>Volume 2 «Historical Sciences» Issue 1-2-3</p> <p><strong>Article submission schedule and publication of issues in 2021<img src="" width="744" height="369"></strong></p> Skhid 2021-03-05 “Skhid” journal was included in prestigious Polish list of journals Skhid 2019-09-23 Journal "SKHID" was approved on 2019-02-04 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion Skhid 2019-02-05 AUTHORS, PLEASE DRAW ATTENTION! Skhid 2019-01-26 Important information for “Skhid” journal authors Skhid 2018-08-22 CO-FOUNDERS OF THE “SKHID” JOURNAL HAVE CHANGED!!! Skhid 2018-06-21 AUTHORS, PLEASE DRAW ATTENTION! Skhid 2018-04-24 AUTHORS, PLEASE DRAW ATTENTION! Skhid 2016-07-21 THE SKHID JOURNAL IS CATALOGUED AS A SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION OF UKRAINE IN THE FIELD OF HISTORICAL SCIENCES Skhid 2015-10-23 THE SKHID JOURNAL IS CATALOGUED AS A SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION OF UKRAINE IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES Skhid 2015-07-22 THE SKHID JOURNAL IS CATALOGUED AS A SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION OF UKRAINE IN THE FIELD OF PHYLOSOPHIC SCIENCES Skhid 2015-05-18 "Skhid" is included in University of New Brunswick Libraries Skhid 2015-05-01 "Skhid" is included in German Institute of Global and Area Studies Libraries Skhid 2015-05-01 "Skhid" is included in University of Southern Denmark Libraries Skhid 2015-05-01 SKHID JOURNAL WITHIN CURRENT REALITY Skhid 2014-10-01 "Skhid" is included in Harvard University Library Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" is included in Yale University Library Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" is included in Library of Congress Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" is included in Duke University Libraries Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" is included in University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Library Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" is included in University of Albertarie Librarys Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" is included in Stanford University Libraries Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" is included in The British Library, St. Pancras Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" indexing in WorldCat Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" indexing in Index Copernicus Skhid 2013-10-01 "Skhid" indexing in Philosophy Documentation Center Skhid 2013-09-30 "Skhid" indexing in EBSCO Skhid 2013-09-30 "Skhid" indexing in РИНЦ Skhid 2013-09-30 "Skhid" indexing in BASE Skhid 2013-09-30 "Skhid" indexing in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory Skhid 2013-09-30 До уваги редакцій наукових журналів! Skhid 2013-06-21 Notice to Customers! Rules of Site Search Skhid 2013-06-19 Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію Skhid 2013-06-05