Modelling of management strategy of a housing and public utility




housing and public utilities, heat supply company, management, simulation modeling, scenario analysis


The paper presents the author's approach to ensuring the sustainability of housing and public utilities (HPU). The main methods for securing financial stability of the HPU operation are indicated and analyzed. It is established that the key problems affecting the sustainability of the HPU system relate to the operational element i.e. individual enterprises of the industry. The author demonstrates that improvement of the HPU management system is the most expedient method for enhancement of the HPU sustainability. The analysis also focuses on effectivization of sustainability management of heat supply companies. An integrated model for management of a heat supply company is developed, which is decomposed into 3 submodels: 1) an unpaid demand management model (submodel 1); 2) a lost demand management model (submodel 2); 3) an integrated management model for a heat supply company, which is based on modelling results of submodels 1-2 (submodel 3). To describe the set of the models (1-3), the author applies the simulation modeling technique in the environment of the PowerSіm Application Program Package.

A scenario analysis is used to assess the efficiency of various management levers for a heat supply company, some conclusions drawn as to the effectiveness of applying such a scenario as improvement of service, which allows achieving a short-term and long-term growth of the liquid financial result as well as a long-term growth of its financial performance.

Author Biography

Mariia Myznikova, Poltava University of Economics and Trade



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How to Cite

Myznikova, M. (2016). Modelling of management strategy of a housing and public utility. Skhid, (8(140).