Jesuits pharmacies, hospitals and infirmaries of Eastern-Slavic region in the last third of XVI - the first half of XVII century




Society of Jesus, East Slavic region, houses of the Jesuit Order, pharmacy, infirmary, hospital, lodge


The article dwell sup on operation of such constituent elements of the Society of Jesus houses as pharmacies, hospitals and infirmaries. These elements are essential part of studying Jesuits and Catholic Church activities, as well as the process of mutual interaction and enrichment of cultures. Pharmacies and hospitals assisted the order, to a certain extent, to succeed in promoting the spread of Catholicism in Eastern-Slavic region in the last third of XVI - the first half of XVII century. In some towns facilities of the kind emerged for the first time or were the best of all similar facilities.

The article is aimed at analyzing and generalizing the knowledge concerning Jesuits pharmacies, hospitals and infirmaries operation in Eastern-Slavic region in the last third of XVI - the first half of XVII century.

The author applies comparative, culture-historical, historical and typological and chronological methods and also the method of terminological analysis. The methods applied allow demonstrating, analyzing and classifying all information concerning pharmacies and hospitals of the Society of Jesus that served the needs of Jesuits house tenants as well as the inhabitants of region. Pharmacies prepared and distributed medicine among Jesuits, pupils of collegium and for some time among the inhabitants of towns and nearest villages. Infirmary is a part of Jesuit house, where sick Jesuits were cared for by the infirmary frater. Hospitals served the pupils of collegium and inhabitants of the region. For old and sick people there were set up the lodges.

By referring to the archival and published primary sources (regulatory sources of Jesuits, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth document etc.), the author indicates the way some pharmacies, infirmaries and hospitals were set up and financed as well as how they changed their operation process and the also the place they take in the system of the Society of Jesus houses.

The article reveals that those facilities (9 pharmacies, 4 hospitals, 2 infirmaries, one lodge known) mattered not only within the Society of Jesus activities but also they were of great importance for the social development of the region and spreading benign deeds and social institutions.

Author Biography

Angela Papazova, Mariupol State University

Ph.D. (History), Assistant Professor of Historical Disciplines Department


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How to Cite

Papazova, A. (2015). Jesuits pharmacies, hospitals and infirmaries of Eastern-Slavic region in the last third of XVI - the first half of XVII century. Skhid, (6(132), 78–82.


