Administrative-territorial division of Galychina and Bukovyna by Russian of occupation power of Russia in 1914-1918




administrative-territorial division, Galychina, Bukovyna, occupation


In the article is examined the administrative-territorial division of Galychina and Bukovyna by Russian of occupation power in a period First world war. Traced a few periods of Russian occupation of territory in 1914-1918 and policy of tsar's government to these territories. In particular in the years of the first Russian occupation basic attention was directed on rusifikation of people who lives there and confluence of it with the Russian empire. During the second occupation, the occupation power sent the efforts to satisfaction of interests and necessities of army in the field avoidance of any actions which would disturb political and any other passions among a population, and the questions of the mode belonged on the second plan. The third period of Russian occupation is a period of adjusting of the new administrative system active realization of transformations, which cut successful counter-offensive short of opponent, that resulted in the considerable loss of part of the occupied territories of Galychina and Bukovyna and evacuation of central organs of management of the Regional commissariat to Kyiv. An author in the article lights up direction of Russian occupation policy and specifies about creation of the Regional commissariat of Galychina and Bukovyna. on April, 27, 1917 by the decree of the Provisional government over the signature of his head prince G.E. Lviv D.I. Doroshenko was appointed the regional commissar of the Provisional government in Galychina and Bukovyna with the parcel of land of him in relation to the civil management of governor general rights. At the end of July in 1917 the management of regional commissar of Galychina and Bukovyna was an evacuee in Kyiv. The office of commissariat remained in an inheritance the governments of Ukrainian Central Advice. D. Doroshenko laid down plenary powers of regional commissar only on April, 18 1918 in connection with disbandment of managements of commissariat.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Hlyzner, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk

postgraduate student of historiography and source knowledge 


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How to Cite

Hlyzner, V. (2014). Administrative-territorial division of Galychina and Bukovyna by Russian of occupation power of Russia in 1914-1918. Skhid, (4(130).


