The Mariupol Local Public University during 1917-1920-s: Historical Overview in the Context of Modern Methodological Approaches




Mariupol Local Public University, social democratic transformations, educational reform, modern methodological approaches, historical, anthropological, social, cultural and interdisciplinary approaches


The foundation and activity of the Mariupol Local Public University under the social processes of the Ukrainian Revolution during 1917-1919-s is highlighted in the paper on the base of the modern methodological approaches. The history of the educational institution is analyzed in the context of anthropological, social, cultural and interdisciplinary approaches. The issues of the Mariupol Local Public University’s organization and principles of its activity are considered regarding the principles of microhistory in detail. The educational activity, personnel and university enrolment are presented. The attention was drawn to the activity of the Mariupol democratic community regarding university’s establishment, to an impact of changing social processes that were in Ukraine in general and in Mariupol in particular, according to the methodological principles of socio-cultural history. The role of the particular historical and public figures (namely, the head of the Board of trustees of the public university S. Vainerova, the heads of the City Council of Mariupol I. Popov and O. Levytskyi, the member of Mariupol public executive committee I. Kovalenko and others) is considered on the methodological bases of historical anthropology. The elements of history, social and cultural studies are combined in the article according to the interdisciplinary approach.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Romantsov, Mariupol State University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor 

Head of the Department of Historical Disciplines


Natalia Romantsova, Mariupol State University

PhD in History


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How to Cite

Romantsov, V., & Romantsova, N. (2020). The Mariupol Local Public University during 1917-1920-s: Historical Overview in the Context of Modern Methodological Approaches. Skhid, (4(168), 10–14.



History of Ukraine