Еconomic efficiency of subsoil resources usage during residual reserves extraction at mine that is planned to be closed





efficiency, economic expedience, losses of minerals, mine's closure, industry development strategy


Efficiency concept as an economic category at sphere of subsoil resources usage is lighted up. The aim of the study is the substantiation of economically reasonable variants selection of mineral deposits extraction at unprofitable mines and expediency of their further functioning or closure.

According to Energy Strategy of Ukraine and Program of coal industry development until year 2030, that provide replacement of imported natural resources, it is important to use all available opportunities to extend the terms of mines functioning. But the cost of residual reserves extraction is expected to be high. That is why it is needed to measure efficiency of this extraction.

Reduction of extraction cost is the indicator of economic efficiency for unprofitable productions including mines that are scheduled to close.

The objective function is defined to select economically viable way of residual reserves extraction. Closure of low-efficient coal mines in Ukraine with relatively big residual reserves was not enough economically substantiated and led to considerable reduction of mine fund and significant losses of coal underground. Thus, the process of economic expediency determination of mineral deposits extraction on such mines is the object of real researches.

Taking into account different existing approaches to extraction fullness definition and ambiguous attitude of scientists and practitioners to the problem of mines closure, the issue of economic expedience of residual coal reserves extraction on mines with low residual reserves and mines that are planned to be closed remains unresolved. In this context, the aim of the article is deepen of theoretical and methodological justification of residual reserves extraction process and time of mine's closure coordination.

A block diagram of mine's lifecycle optimization algorithm has been developed. Methodical approach to economic efficiency of subsoil resources usage during residual reserves extraction has been enhanced. According to it the efficiency is determined by the amount of continuous linear and nonlinear models based on the capacity of mine, discounted prime cost of coil, rate of economic level of extraction fullness and the main independent factor which is the time before closure. This approach allows finding optimal terms of coil reserves extraction before mine's closure.

Author Biographies

Ihor Pistunov, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", Dnipropetrovsk

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies

Olena Marchenko, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", Dnipropetrovsk

Assistant of Department of economics of enterprise


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How to Cite

Pistunov, I., & Marchenko, O. (2014). Еconomic efficiency of subsoil resources usage during residual reserves extraction at mine that is planned to be closed. Skhid, (6(126), 136–142. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2013.6(126).20551


