Conceptual statutes of process of forming and development of human resource capacity of organization




human resource capacity of organization, management of human resource capacity, process of forming and development of human resource capacity


This paper deals with the features of managing the human resources formation and development іn organization. Author considers the evolution of "human resource management", "personnel management" and "management of human resource capacity" terms. The evolution of these terms is accompanied by the expansion of their content, due to organizational changes with the advent of globalization, internationalization and technological progress. The study examines the conceptual position of human resources management including foreign and domestic experience.

The paper determines the influence and relationship between organization goals and management of human resource formation and development. This paper shows the internal and external factors that influence on formation of human resource capacity.

The study determines the basic principles of human resource formation. Author defines the methods of human resource capacity development and basic guidelines of this process.

Author Biography

Viktoriia Hontiuk, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Postgraduate student of management innovation and investment activities


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How to Cite

Hontiuk, V. (2014). Conceptual statutes of process of forming and development of human resource capacity of organization. Skhid, (6(126), 69–73.


