Development institute of customs brokers in Ukraine




intermediary service, customs affair, the state customs service, customs intermediary


The article discusses the emergence and development of The Institute of Customs Brokers, especially mediating customs brokers, during the formation of Ukraine as an independent state. It clarifies the nature and significance of the customs broker, and describes the characteristics of state regulation of the customs broker in the historical aspect and at the present stage. It details the problems of state management of customs brokerage activities in Ukraine in terms of gradual liberalization of foreign trade. Based on the regulations that govern the mediation efforts of customs brokers the article deals with the problems related to the organization and function of customs brokers in Ukraine.

This article proves the importance of the existence of The Institute of Customs Brokers in the system of foreign relations from the time of formation of Ukraine as an independent state, and at the present time, the need of further development of The Institute of Customs Brokers in the situation where the efficiency of foreign economic activity of the country as a whole is constantly increasing in general.

Author Biography

Olena Korobkova, Odessa National Maritime University

Assistant Department of The organization of customs controls on transport, CEO training center for customs brokers


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How to Cite

Korobkova, O. (2013). Development institute of customs brokers in Ukraine. Skhid, (5(125).


