Structure and system of information economy: types, directions, signs




information economy, signs, types, features, market


On the basis of the analysis of the distinguished features and features of the functioning of the key types of the information economy in modern conditions, its content structure is presented in the form of the nucleus and its derivative levels of the information economy, which makes it possible to refer to those or other types and directions of the information economy to one of its levels of representation, which provides a clearer distinction between sectors, markets and industries of the information economy. The presented structure can be used as a base platform in the emergence of a new type of information economy to level out contradictions between existing subspecies, duplication of their features and purpose of functioning.

Author Biography

Aleksy Kwilinski, Institute of Industrial Economics, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD (Economics)


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How to Cite

Kwilinski, A. (2017). Structure and system of information economy: types, directions, signs. Skhid, (6(146).


