Ecological component alignment of balance of industrial regions




, correction (equalization) ratios, industrial areas, an integral component of human development in the region


In depressed regions, the processes of the crisis often block the coal mining process as a whole or some of its elements, thereby leading to the degradation of the resource, and the economic and social potential of the territories in question. In the 1990s during the period of economic and industrial market transformation, it was important to define the place and function of the depressed regions in this process and to outline how to balance the levels of development of the mining regions ofDonbas.

The main way to overcome disproportions in the socio-economic development of regions is through the accomplishment of the complex structural transformations of the economics of local territories (cities, regions). Meanwhile the choice of the directions of structural transformations must be made by taking into consideration the factors of development (depressiveness) of enterprises forming a company town and nature by using the socio-economic and ecological consequences of their restructuring, and the measures of state support at the national, regional and branch levels.

The practical measures to address the imbalance of economic situation of regions and overcome the negative effects of global financial and economic trends by introducing additional adjustment ecological coefficients to equal footing for optimum allocation of financial resources to meet the real needs of local budgets are substantiated.

Author Biography

Anna Chechel, Donetsk State University of Management

Candidate of Public Administration, Associate Professor



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How to Cite

Chechel, A. (2013). Ecological component alignment of balance of industrial regions. Skhid, (4(124), 98–103.


