Decent work on industrial enterprise based the approach competentive


  • Nataliia Humeniuk Автомобільно-дорожній інститут Донецького національного технічного університету, м. Горлівка, Ukraine



competencies, model, personnel, management, decent work


The article proves that achieving decent work possible under the coordination purposes of the enterprise with the goals of employees on the basis of explicit requirements as to such employees to the production process. In connection with the proposed use of the competency approach to create such a system of priorities, and the control scheme of responsibility includes managing staff, working conditions and social processes. Based on the generalization of human resource management processes proposed scheme using competency models to achieve decent work, which must conform to the principles of consistency, respect and human dignity, team unity, horizontal cooperation, legal and social protection. Also in the formation of decent work in the enterpriseincreases the role additional principles: long-term records of the organization, integration and team cohesion, participation of employees in decision making, reliance on professional core human resources, balancing the interests of managers and subordinate employees, cooperation with trade unions and public. These principles must be formed and regulated competency models at appropriate stages of HR ranging from selection procedures for the vacant position and ending with the adoption of a decision to move up the career ladder or dismissal from office. Implementation of competency models in the form of clearly defined rights, responsibilities and recommendations to the parties to labor relations will settle conflicts in social and labor issues, reduce the number of acts of protest and dissatisfaction, increase the responsibility for the results of work.

Author Biography

Nataliia Humeniuk, Автомобільно-дорожній інститут Донецького національного технічного університету, м. Горлівка

Асистент кафедри "Інформаційні системи в економіці" 


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How to Cite

Humeniuk, N. (2013). Decent work on industrial enterprise based the approach competentive. Skhid, (2(122), 24–28.


